Stocking Question - Guppies/Mollies

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 14, 2012
Yuck question I have plattys and guppy, mollies.. I'm a 65 gallon and I was looking to getting some type of shark anyone know what kind I can safely put in with the other fish
A rainbow shark! I have mine with guppies and it works out fine.
A rainbow shark is the best choice. They are very good with other fish, but they can be territorial at times so make sure you set up a log or rock for him to claim as his home. He will chase other fish away from it, but I have not had a problem with nipping or anything.
I used to have mine with 3 balas and they almost killed him when I was told he would be aggressive towards them. I since then have gotten new fish and they get along great. He has a log that he spends most of his time in.
Well I used to have a raibow shark but ever since it got big it nips At my Guppys and it has killed two already
Really I have mine with guppies and he never bothers them. What size tank do you have?
Oh maybe if you get more guppies like 10+ because I have a 45 Gallon and he doesn't bother them but it might be because I have like 20.
Yea I just added 6 Zebra Danios and it looks like he's not messing with them
The more there are the more the bullying can be spread out between the fish.
I also wanted to put a school of neon tetras would that be fine or would there be a problem?
I think it would be fine but get 6 or more and make sure there is a heavily planted area of the tank for them to hide in if they need too. Then they should be fine.
The store I got my tetras from only had 4 will they do ok together in till I can get more?
I have also Ben reading around and ive seen a couple people say its a bad idea to put in Zebra Danios with the guppy and platty because they nip around at them is this true?
Idk my brother put some in with his neon tetras and they are fine. I would say it'd be fine because your tank is so large.
Ive also Ben looking for good bottom fish to go along in my tank do u have any suggestions by any chance
Idk just any kind of cool loking fish
Ok I love catfish! You could get some Cories, 2-3 Featherfin Catfish, or an Eclipse Catfish. I recommend the Featherfin because the Eclipse can get up to 8 inches and at that point he would eat your other fish. If you get cories make sure to get 6 or more and if you get a Featherfin make sure to get at least 2! Preferably 3 because the smaller species must be in groups. A featherfin cat will max out at 5-6 inches. I think 2 or 3 would do great in a 60 gallon!
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