Stocking Questions for 40 Gallon

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2011
So I'm considering (er...totally buying at first chance) a 40 gallon tropical community tank, but I have run into a number of conflicting reports for a few of the fish I'm thinking of stocking with. Please tell me if it seems too crowded!

Proposed Stocking;
x6 Von Rio Tetra-- I've read that tetras prefer dim lighting, but I was planning on making this a planted tank and thus it would be brightly lit. Is that a problem?

x5 Columbian Red/Blue Tetra-- I've read that these fellows can get agressive and nippy? Anyone have any experience with them?

x5 Dwarf Neon Rainbows-- Would they even fit? Any input would be grand! I am worried about rainbows size requirement, but I am in love with the way they look...

x3 Cory Catfish or Khuli Loaches-- I'll be using either Flourite or Eco-complete for the substrate, so will these guys be okay, or to be avoided all together?

A few alternates I've come up with are x5 Cherry Barbs, or x1 Dwarf Gourami

I'd love to here from those who've had experience with these fish! Any critques, antecedotes, or alternate ideas are warmly welcome!
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A 40 is a great tank, especially for a planted tank. The tetra will be fine. In my opinion you could stock what you've listed gradually with no major issues. I would probably suggest going with a single species of tetra and upping the number with a leaning towards the smaller growing von rios (or other similar fish) though. You can also (if gradually done) add to the bottom dwellers. ;)

What sort of filtration are you running?
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go to and use it to creat your stock list, it will tell you compadability, Issues with compadability, Filtration Needs (you can over stock a bit with a heavly planted tank but only if you MUST), Tempeture, PH, Kh, Gh.
HN1; Thanks for the help! I'm glad to hear the tetras will be fine, and I thinka large school fo Von Rios would add alot of color! I'm planning on getting an Aqueon Quietflow 55/75, cause I heard somewhere that it is better to have a filter rated for a larger tank--Does that sound fitting? Newbie still newbing C:

CleverBs; That site is amazing! Very reassuring to see that even when I stacked all my possible options the site said the tank was about 67% fully stocked, and have all the nessassary stats to go with it! Thank you so much!
HN1; Thanks for the help! I'm glad to hear the tetras will be fine, and I thinka large school fo Von Rios would add alot of color! I'm planning on getting an Aqueon Quietflow 55/75, cause I heard somewhere that it is better to have a filter rated for a larger tank--Does that sound fitting? Newbie still newbing C:

CleverBs; That site is amazing! Very reassuring to see that even when I stacked all my possible options the site said the tank was about 67% fully stocked, and have all the nessassary stats to go with it! Thank you so much!

dont base it off the stocking % but instead base it off how much filtration you have. I think when I tested mine to get it "Fully Stocked (100%)" I would be EXTREAMLY overstocked.
Only think I have any qualms about are the rainbows. They would probably like a bigger tank, but would probably be ok in a 40.
Windy- That filter would be fine. You can sort of ignore the manufacturer ratings though. They tend to be generous. I'm a fan of running multiple filters whenever possible.

Be careful with aqadvisor.... it can provide a good starting out point, but there are just far too many variables that it can't account for.

I think the dwarf neons will work, but that would be about the only bow that I'd recommend for a 40. Smaller ones like werneri or the pseudomugils would also be an option.
The listing I used for Aqua-adivisor was more to test for for comaptibilty and such, though I think the stats for tempurate and such will be good target zones!

Man I'd love for a 125+ tank for just rainbows the only real chance I have with a 40 gallon is with the dwarf and smaller breeds. Though I am still a bit wary of the Neons since in a few of the videos I've seen they look pretty close to the size of the other bows...

Thanks for the help you guys! C:
Check out gertrudae, werneri, and furcata. ;)

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