Stocking29 gal and 20 gal

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 17, 2013
I don't know how to use aqua advisor I can't ind name of my cory catfish ...
I have 29 gal
5 female fancy guppy
2 Julii cory cat
3 peppered cory cat
2 snails a male about 2 inch ivory and a blue like half an inch that is female
Marineland penguin 200 biowheel

I have 20 gal
4 endler guppy male 1 is fancy
1 cobra guppy male
2 fancy guppy male
1mystery snail male one black like half an inch
Tetra ex filter 20 I think
I can't seem to figure it out rigt how to put the info in ... WAs wondering if someone could do it for me ... I don't know what cory type to list in it cuz it shows the cory names different from wht I know if I try to keep adding fish type I can't figure out how to list more than one fish species in the calculation thing
It is a bit tedious to do. Look here. AqAdvisor - tank one 29

That's your 29 G. if the dimensions are what I think they are. 30x12x18, and some fish are listed by their biological name first, many are listed by a common name.

So peppered cory, you look down the 'p's and select it. Then type the number you have in the box, then click add. Page reloads with peppered cory in the box. Mystery snails lists only one species but it's close enough. Julii cory is listed in the 'j's.. guppies don't list male/female separately. Each species must be first selected on the left side, then the number you have or want to have, typed in the right hand small box, then click Add, then it shows up in the list on the right. Takes a bit of time.

When you are done, scroll down, you see warnings, if the filtration is ok, and stocking percentages. Based on this one, you're at 73%.

Have a look, try the smaller tank yourself.
I will try again ... I couldn't get it to list more tha one fish web I tried last time ... Mine is a 20 tall and 29 is a tall as well
I got it to work ... My guppy have had fry guess I will have to move fry I added from 29 to 20 once they are bigger or upgrade my filter ... I'd rather not do 50% WC on 20 a week. Though I know someone who has a way overstocked 20 and has no problems ... Guess I can wait see and monitor it
Overstocking is possible to manage to a point, by doing more water changes and cleaning the filter more often. Also newborn fry have very little bioload, nothing like an adult, and aqadisor does not make any distinction between adults and fry. So don't worry too much yet.
Glad you got it working for you. It puzzled me a bit the first time, but it's not a bad tool.
Would I be ok to have 5 zebra danio in my 29 gal? Says wter temp not compatable with all of them
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