Strange stuff building up in a planted 13g aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 16, 2017
I have a 13g freshwater aquarium with 10 barbs and some cleaners. In the photos there is a brownish-gray build-up that piles up and is all over the tank. I do weekly waterchanges and clean this as good as I can, but it "grows" back. What can I do to get rid of this? Thank you!1487235812859.jpg1487235822681.jpg
Looks like detritus. Tank is over stocked. To feed that many fish in a 13g could certainly lead to husbandry issues. Hows the filter and flow? What percentage of weekly wc?
I don't think it's detritus. I have the aquarium for 5 months. It had more fish in the beginning and it never had this stuff. This only started to build up in the last two months. The water changes are between 30-50%, as I have to get this stuff out. Usually were 15-25%.
You got clue. But if you vac it up it comes back in 2 days?
It's probably all the crap from way to many fish in a tiny tank?? You should be doing 2 50% wcs a week.

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Trust me... after 5 months I know how the crap of my fish looks like. That is not crap.
My guess is either a severe diatom bloom or dust algae. Dust algae starts out growing on the glass, and eventually falls off into piles. If your glass is turning brown, it's probably diatoms. If your glass is turning more of a green color, it's dust algae.

The good news is both of these algae types should eventually clear up all on their own. BUT, you have a heavy fish load, which definitely doesn't help. At the very least it will help this stuff persist much longer than it otherwise would. Maybe increase your water changes to twice a week if only to keep up on vacuuming that stuff out before it can build up. Your clay substrate could also be contributing to your problem. At 5 months old there is a chance it is still releasing some ammonia. The solution might be a lighter stock, and more plant mass to make use of the nutrients provided by the substrate.
This is the status after the water change and cleaning 6 hours ago (see the photos). The glass it has a brown deposit, very hard to scrape. Thank you all for your suggestions and opinions so far.

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