Suggestion for low light plants

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 15, 2005
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm getting close to completing my first tank, and I would appreciate some suggestions for low light plants. Right now I have three clumps of Java Fern that seem to be doing very well. I would like to add a background plant, something that is tall and will grow right up to the surface. I was looking at some Vallisneria, but I would appreciate some other suggestions.

Btw, my tank is a 15gal with a 15W Aqua Glo, no CO2 or fertilizer added.
Anacharis...a nice long stemmed plant that grows very quickly.
Hornwort...another stem plant
Java moss...rumored to be able to grow in a sewer system :D
various crypts (ie: wendetti)

The list goes on...but, if you want to see what it would look like, take a look at my tank pics in my sig. All growing in 1.1wpg.
Wow, your tanks are amazing Jchillin! That must take a lot of work!

If you don't mind me asking, what are the red plants in the picture "skirtedtetra.jpg" and both the foreground and background plants in "idneeded.jpg"? Thanks! :)
Cryptocoryne spiralis, retrospiralis or balansae make nice low light background plants as well. Under low light they won't grow very fast but they should do just fine.
BrianJR said:
Wow, your tanks are amazing Jchillin! That must take a lot of work!

If you don't mind me asking, what are the red plants in the picture "skirtedtetra.jpg" and both the foreground and background plants in "idneeded.jpg"? Thanks! :)

The plants in both pics are the same...Ludwigia repens. The only difference is: The one in "skirted tetra" is fake. The "idneeded" is several stems of a real one.

The real one is my pride and joy. I got it as a clipping from another member back in August. It is not recommended for "low-light" tanks but I wanted to give it a try. :D
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