suggestions please. im new

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 23, 2013
hello everyone. I started my 20 gallon tank I have about 16 pounds of live rock in it and 20 pounds of live sand. Its been running now for 10 days. I keep the water at 1.023. I want to add clown fish and yellow tang but nit sure if I can since my tank is small. I would also like to have corals in there. any advise and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I tested my parameters and everything seems to be good and I have a lot of those little white amphipod that grew from nowhere. There's also some little white starfish and a blue legged hermit.
Most tangs need a 6' tank around 180 gallons. The Ocellaris Clownfish will be good for a 20 gallon. I use this site to research anything before i buy. Nano Fish
Check the Nano area. I have a pair of Ochrestriped Cardinal fish rated for a 55 gallon and I'm looking to add some Yellowstriped Cardinalfish their rated for 10 gallon minimum. Good luck!
Thanks for the comment. The guy at my LFS suggested some damselfish to get me started so I added them today they're fun little fish. I also added two cleaner shrimps.
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