Surface Skimmers

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 28, 2007
Eastern Washington
Just curious how many Saltwater aquarists use surface skimmers and if so which one do you use. my water surface always has floaty's Just interested in solving that minor detail.
well i have a surface skimmer w/ an overflow leading to my sump, i still manage to get an oil residue on the water surface i can see if i look at it from the bottem but i think its due to my power heads positioning, the past few days its been gone as i cleaned the tank. i like the surface skimming, sometimes however, it will remove food before it has had a chance to sink so i have to clean out the sponge offen
I use a Tom Pro service skimmer/overflow.

I love it for two reasons:
1 - Very quiet (no gurgling noise). There's still noise of the water/bubbles going down the hoses that I have to remedy though.
2 - Auto Stop / Start. If my sump were to die for some reason (i.e. power outage), the surface skimmer stops automatically too. When the sump starts, the skimmer automatically starts flowing water too.

Dislike it for some reasons too.
1 - Sponge needs to be cleaned often.
2 - The return tube is clear, and will quickly develop algae... difficult to clean because it's narrow with 90 degree bends in it.

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