Suspended Algee problem, HELP please!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 22, 2002
I have a 46 gallon freshwater that is having a serious suspended green algae problem.

The algee is not sticking, it is just floating.

I have tried the following with little to no results:

Changed 20% of the water everyday for 5 days straight
Used Tetra Algae Control used accourding to directions
Used Cycle used accourding to directions
Used AlgaeFix with directions
Used No More Algae all with directions
I've stopped using my florescent light
I've closed the blinds on my window
I've tested my tank:
No Ammonia, Ph OK, no Nitrites, Low Nitrates.

I am at a loss, I don't want to kill my fish, and I've probably already stressed them out enough. Someone please help. Thank you!
Is the tank sitting in direct sunlight? If so you may have to set something up so the light is blocked from the tank. I would do a total blackout for 3-4 days and make sure to feed very lightly. You can also do a larger percentage water change and do them more frequently till things start looking better.
Do a good water change, then black your tank out completely for 3 or 4 days. Take a dark blanket and set over the tank, letting no light at all get in. The fish will be fine during this treatment with no light and no food. The algae should die off in that time. As soon as you take the blanket off, do a water change to get rid of dead algae.

Also, see if you can either take your water to the LFS to get it tested for phosphates, or get yourself a phosphate test kit. They will help feed your algae as well.

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