switching tanks

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 14, 2007
So, hypothetically, what if I wanted to break down my 25 gallon tank and put everything from it into a 29gallon tank? I would switch the filters over to the *new* 29 gallon tank and then also take all the sand out of the 25 gallon tank and put that in the 29 gallon tank. How long would I have to wait for the 29 gallon tank to re-cycle? Could I put like 25 MTS and a bristlenose in there right away? I can also put the small ornaments and rocks from the 25 gallon tank into the new 29 gallon tank as well. Lemme know what you think.
If you use the same filter or use a portion of your filter media from the 25 gallon I would think you could stock right away.
If you are using everything from your old tank you would likely only have a very mild mini cycle if that. I wouldn't have a problem putting fish in right away.
Yea, the bulk of your bacteria is going to be living in the filter. So if all you did was move only the filter over and all of the fish, you would only see a minor mini-cycle. Worst case, you have to do a couple of PWC while the bacteria multiply in the new tank.

Another option, if you want a new filter in the 29 gallon tank anyway, is to get the new filter and run it in the old tank (along with the old filter) for about two weeks to a month. Then move both filters to the new tank along with all the fish. After about two weeks, you could move the old filter out of the new tank and you likely wouldn't see even a mini-cycle.
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