Tank Changeover Questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 19, 2008
Georgia, USA
Hi there,

I currently have a 10 gal filtered tank with one female betta, some ghost shrimp, a whole bunch of snails, an Apogenton plant, Anarcharis, Java Moss, and Driftwood.

I am thinking about changing my tank from a betta tank to a cichlid tank. Don't worry, I will find Berry my betta a wonderful home.

What I need to know is what all do I need to do to make this set-up cichlid friendly. Can I keep my basic set-up pretty much the same, or do i need to subtract/add something (i.e., the ghost shrimp, the type of plants, the driftwood, etc.)

Btw, I am considering upgrading to a larger tank but for now I need to know for my 10 gal. Also, how many small cichlids are able to live together in a 10 gal? I am just mulling the thoughts of a switch up right now, so I am at the beginning stage of my research, so please don't jump on me like they do in other forums. I am self-professed newbie to cichlids, not betta keeping lol.

Thanks a bunch :)
To put it simply, cichlids aren't going to work in a 10 gallon tank period. You may be able to have dwaarf cichlids like a GBR but even then you are limited to 2 in a 10 gallon tank.

They will eat your shrimp and harass your betta. 10 is simply to small. The smallest tank you should consider housing cichlids in is a 29 gallon tank.
Well of course I would be finding my betta a new home anyways. My betta would eat any small cichlids that I was looking at putting in.

How many could I fit in a 29 gal?
Yep cichlids will eat your shrimp and harrass to death pretty much any other fish in the tank. The smallest you should go for a pair is 20 gallons. Although 30 is even nicer.

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