Tank improvements

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 6, 2017
Moved them into bigger tank and added more plants. They seem too be much happier. I'm also fairly new to aquariums and am always open to advise. All opinions welcome, good, or bad
I don't remember it from before but looks pretty good to me.
Yea it is and I know what your thinking. I did not feel comfortable using it when I first acquired it until I went to look at it and seen they had been using it as aquarium for year and a half. Even then it's not going to be permanent tank. I'm working on getting 75 gal all set up. I just needed something bigger for my Oscar until then.
Good eye tho! I was waiting for someone to tell me how bad of an idea it was. My oscars health outweighed the risk of 50 gal of water in my living room!
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