Tankmate ?

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depends on how big the tank is, but if your tank is big enough (55g+) senegal bichirs or ropefish do really well with African Cichlids as well as bristlenose pleco, other then that I'm not sure other than more African Cichlids
maybe a couple Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty Cichlids) they are small mild mannered mbuna that only grow to about 3 inches
I decided to get another lab

But he's a big one


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Nice im sure you could put around 5 labs in there without it being overstocked, and maybe an electric blue crawfish they are really cool just make sure it has a good hiding spot that is not easily accessible to the fish for when he molts (mine got eaten after his 2nd molt due to me not giving him a good hiding spot because I thought he looked tough haha
Man this guy is really a digger


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