tanks needed for 2 m, 2 f bettas?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 12, 2006
Moscow, ID
I'd like to get two breeding pairs of bettas, that is, two males and two females. I'm wondering what sizes and how many tanks I will need, just for permenant housing for these four fish. What volume should I allow for each fish?

Obviously the males can't be housed together or with the females. I was thinking though, in terms of cycling and maintaining the tank, that it might be better to have bigger tanks with more fish rather than individual tanks. So, maybe two tanks of the same size, one for the two females, and one for the males, but with a divider of some sort. (I've heard of dividers, but I don't know how I'd actually use or install one.) I can't think of any way to get all 4 in the same tank, but I'm open to suggestions!

A 20 long could be divided into 3 compartments assuring enough space for the 4 bettas. Tank dividers simply clip on and are easy to use.
Personally i'd put the males in a divided 10gal. Try to get a screen divider or scratch a up a solid divider so to cut down on the stress of them being housed together.

With your females, i'd buy a third (odd numbers work best) & setup a 10gal tank to house them. You can do fake plants or even have some fun & do live. Then you just remove a female when you want to breed.

Remember, you'll also need a larger tank for growing out fry & a seperate 10gal for spawning.

BTW, are you buying from a pet store or a breeder? If you buying from a breeder, I know someone i'd highly recomend.
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