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Dustinsfishtanks is my favorite so far. Therick2235 is pretty good too, just a bit hard to understand him. But there are some people i just wonder what the heck there doing. Like one time I saw a little 9 year old putting 3 discus, 5 mollies, 3 platys, and a rainbow shark in a 10 gallon!!!!!! :eek:

Dustin can be a bit sketchy, but he is much better than other people who have something wrong in every one of their videos.

Video is almost done uploading - slow process :)
I'm sorry, but where did she get the money for discus? I have always loved them, but around here even to get a small one it's like $40-50! Why would you waste that? That's like $120-150, I could have some REALLY nice lighting for my SW with that...;)

Lol. I was left wondering that as well. And he also had to pay for shipping. Around here, discus sell for over $60. I like discus but I wouldnt want to waste my money on 3 of them.:nono: Aand the discus he ordered were like adults.....
Dustin can be a bit sketchy, but he is much better than other people who have something wrong in every one of their videos.

Video is almost done uploading - slow process :)

Of all the vids on plants, dustins is in the top 3 IMO. But some are not as good as others. Post the link to your vid once its done uploading :D
Either a 72"x18"x28" or 48"x24"x36"
Fluval fx5 and rena xp4
10-14 discus
5-10 denison barbs
15 juli/panda cory
10 rumynose tetras
Royal pleco

Panda corys aren't really suitable for a discus tank, not sure about juliis either. Pandas definitely prefer cooler waters (76 or so) so discus temperatures would not be tolerated. The most popular cory option for discus tanks are sterbai corys.
Panda corys aren't really suitable for a discus tank, not sure about juliis either. Pandas definitely prefer cooler waters (76 or so) so discus temperatures would not be tolerated. The most popular cory option for discus tanks are sterbai corys.

Ok. She just likes corys so i named a couple ik.
Well.......here it is :hide: Excuse the poor lighting, and the stammering. The utility room was the only place away from the noise of everyone else :) I could have turned on the LED strip in the back, however I tried that and it was blinding. Soooooo.......

Well.......here it is :hide: Excuse the poor lighting, and the stammering. The utility room was the only place away from the noise of everyone else :) I could have turned on the LED strip in the back, however I tried that and it was blinding. Soooooo.......

Haha. Ill watch it completely later. How old are you?
Either a 72"x18"x28" or 48"x24"x36"
Fluval fx5 and rena xp4
10-14 discus
5-10 denison barbs
15 juli/panda cory
10 rumynose tetras
Royal pleco

Are you gonna buy all the discus at once or over a period of time. That's gonna be a lot of money. Phew, fx5 and xp4? That's a lot of filtration. Hopefully the tank looks great when its finished (y). What type of discus were you thinking about? I like the 72" tanks better cause they seem bigger IMO.
Are you gonna buy all the discus at once or over a period of time. That's gonna be a lot of money. Phew, fx5 and xp4? That's a lot of filtration. Hopefully the tank looks great when its finished (y). What type of discus were you thinking about? I like the 72" tanks better cause they seem bigger IMO.

She has the money, trust me. We are going to get 10-15 at 2-3" and grow them out in a 55 then put them in the main tank. Ya lots of filtration. Hopefully 72". Snakeskin, turqouise, red, purple, green, lol im just naming colors. Idk the diff types other than the first two.
She has the money, trust me. We are going to get 10-15 at 2-3" and grow them out in a 55 then put them in the main tank. Ya lots of filtration. Hopefully 72". Snakeskin, turqouise, red, purple, green, lol im just naming colors. Idk the diff types other than the first two.

That is one rich aunt ;). I like pigeon blood and Snow White ( not the princess Lol ). Are you ordering them or does the lfs have them? And what type of lighting are you getting?
That is one rich aunt ;). I like pigeon blood and Snow White ( not the princess Lol ). Are you ordering them or does the lfs have them? And what type of lighting are you getting?

Prob t5-ho or led because she wants some plants. Prob from aquabid cuz there cheaper. The lfs does have some though. She likes seeing what she is buying so we will prob pay $$ just so she can buy the ones she sees.
Prob t5-ho or led because she wants some plants. Prob from aquabid cuz there cheaper. The lfs does have some though. She likes seeing what she is buying so we will prob pay $$ just so she can buy the ones she sees.

I really like the effect of the Finnex MonsterRay on discus. It really makes their colors pop. And most low and some med light plants should work with it.
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