Teen aquarists

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Im 15, my name is Osh and Im from Florida. I first started keeping tanks last August when I got one for my birthday and I just ordered my 3rd tank. Should get here tomorrow! So far only FW
Im 15, my name is Osh and Im from Florida. I first started keeping tanks last August when I got one for my birthday and I just ordered my 3rd tank. Should get here tomorrow! So far only FW

Thats cool! How many gallons are they? And i'm still in only FW too. Its still fun though cuz there are soo many different types of fish to try!
I'm Sean 14 live in tennessee. started a year ago. Went from a 1.5 to a 10 to my now up and running 25 community tank.
Thats cool! How many gallons are they? And i'm still in only FW too. Its still fun though cuz there are soo many different types of fish to try!

A 36 gallon tank with 2 kribs, 2 GBRs, and 2 gold gouramis. A 10 gallon iwagumi aquascape with RCS, amano shrimp, and super tiger shrimp. The new tank is a 4 gallon that is going to be a dwarf puffer biotope.
A 36 gallon tank with 2 kribs, 2 GBRs, and 2 gold gouramis. A 10 gallon iwagumi aquascape with RCS, amano shrimp, and super tiger shrimp. The new tank is a 4 gallon that is going to be a dwarf puffer biotope.

Nice! Sounds cool! I want to do a iwagumi sometime! And the puffer biotope will be sweet!
Melanie, 15, live in Ontario Canada, and have (for now until I get another grow out tank) five tanks :) and a bowl. Lol
Max, 15, and I'm in Colorado. I've got 5 tanks. Two tens, a twenty, a five, and a 46 gallon. I've got fish breeding and I'm propagating a bunch of plants. Sellin out stuff to a couple lfs. Love the hobby

What kinda fish are you breeding Max?
Hi everyone it's nice to see so many teens here! Ashlynn 17 in Columbus, Ohio:). Yeah I've been majorly in with aquariums for three years in 20 days exactly! I have 5 tanks with fish and planning on getting a 75 later on this summer:D
Hi everyone it's nice to see so many teens here! Ashlynn 17 in Columbus, Ohio:). Yeah I've been majorly in with aquariums for three years in 20 days exactly! I have 5 tanks with fish and planning on getting a 75 later on this summer:D

Hey Ashlynn! What are you gonna put in your 75 gallon?
Hey Sean! Whats your stock in the 25?

I have 5 zebra danios 5 Cory catfish 1 black molly 1 ballon molly ( their fry in 1.5 gal ) a common pleco who I'm trying to rehome 3 ghost shrimp and who knows how many ramshorn snails.
I have 5 zebra danios 5 Cory catfish 1 black molly 1 ballon molly ( their fry in 1.5 gal ) a common pleco who I'm trying to rehome 3 ghost shrimp and who knows how many ramshorn snails.

Nice, sounds good! And Hey Noah!
Hey Ashlynn! What are you gonna put in your 75 gallon?

I am moving my SA from a 55 to the 75:). So it'll be diamond and cardinal tetras (maybe flame or rummynose tetras, but I'm not sure), peppered and panda Corydoras, l. Curviceps, angel and bushynose pleco. I hope to put an Asian Biotope in the 55. But all this isn't quite set in stone.
I am moving my SA from a 55 to the 75:). So it'll be diamond and cardinal tetras (maybe flame or rummynose tetras, but I'm not sure), peppered and panda Corydoras, l. Curviceps, angel and bushynose pleco. I hope to put an Asian Biotope in the 55. But all this isn't quite set in stone.

That'd be sweet!
Yea but I'm still trying to find a centerpiece for the aquarium. Just not sure what fish to get.
Try a gourami (pearls are my favorite!), apistos, rams, curviceps :brows:, or perhaps a nice betta (this could be difficult!). I can see if I can figure some other ones out:)
Try a gourami (pearls are my favorite!), apistos, rams, curviceps :brows:, or perhaps a nice betta (this could be difficult!). I can see if I can figure some other ones out:)

Any more teens out there?
Try a gourami (pearls are my favorite!), apistos, rams, curviceps :brows:, or perhaps a nice betta (this could be difficult!). I can see if I can figure some other ones out:)

Yea I am leanin toward a kissing gourami I really like their kissing faces and they are the only gouramis sold in my area
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