Teen aquarists

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What's the update on everyone's tank.
Mines going alright I finally got that other piece of driftwood in. My crypts melted on me after I had a weird infection with diy co2. Have a bubble counter now so it's all sorted. And I need to get some tabs in. Can sort of see a few lighter leaves.
Yeah, I melted my largest crypt and all my Val. Ugh so mad.

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I had jungle...of at least 7 plants now I have 4 single leaves and I think my last balansae is going to go. A tab will bring them back but I'm out and it's like $20 for 10 which is a pain in the buttt.

Does anyone do diy tabs?
Where do I get that capsules from to make a casing.
I have Italian Val (hardest to keep) I had a ton, it filled a good section of the tank. But it all melted. I think it's slowly growing back.

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That's my tank as of 40 minutes ago.
Need to trim some hygro and plant around the dw more but yeah. Thing won't stay down after soaking and boiling and even tiring some lead weights too it. Sword is coming along heaps well
Id suggest attaching the wood to a piece of slate rock. With a stainless screw and then just burry the slate with gravel.
I also have rotalla in my tank, it grows like crazy

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