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Well guys just got my first fish since the disease that wiped a lot of my fish. I got a Red Tailed Black Shark on the way home from marching rehearsal! He's so small but has so much awesome potential.
He had the largest (and highest) dorsal fin of the bunch and the deepest black and red. He also has great white accents on his fins! When he was In the bag and I was floating him his colors got completely washed out but when I released him to the tank he almost instantly got jet black with a deep red caudal fin! Now all I need is an Angel fish!

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Those fish are not a good mix.


What makes you think so? This isn't a personal attack, rebuttal or anything I'm just curious as to why.
Everything I've ever read, experienced or learned shows that they will work out swimmingly with each other.

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I haven't been on the freshwater side (at least for large fish) for over a year. But I'm pretty sure I remember RTS to be fin nippers and angels dont do well with nippy fish
Birchir mate your tank is big enough to not worry about aggression between the two. I wouldn't feet over it be wary that it could happen but anything can happen in tanks as we've all learnt one way or another
Hm, ok guys! Thanks Silly and Matt! I will certainly watch for any nipping/aggression as he grows. He's only a few inches long now.
I was thinking the way I've got my tank set up, and it's length, would keep aggression at bay.

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Hm, ok guys! Thanks Silly and Matt! I will certainly watch for any nipping/aggression as he grows. He's only a few inches long now.
I was thinking the way I've got my tank set up, and it's length, would keep aggression at bay.

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From my knowledge RTS aren't a nippy fish but get aggressive if a fish enters their territory. Give him a corner of the tank and he'll be fine
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What do you think of my new aquascape?
I think the jellyfish and the artificial plant looks tacky .

View attachment 254578

What do you think of my new aquascape?
I think the jellyfish and the artificial plant looks tacky .


Id move the rocks and wood- build up a mountain in the back right corner and have the wood flow down the side so it extends to the center. Then take the plant, get some more like it, and put it on either side of the rocks. Please just get rid of the jellyfish- my eyes are begging you! They died a little. :)

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Id move the rocks and wood- build up a mountain in the back right corner and have the wood flow down the side so it extends to the center. Then take the plant, get some more like it, and put it on either side of the rocks. Please just get rid of the jellyfish- my eyes are begging you! They died a little. :)

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Yeah that what I was thinking about the jelly fish.

I'd just be worried that the rocks would fall or the fish would get stuck in hole if I piled them up

Not if you are careful about it. Fish won't get stuck unless you make the caves too small. Just do a loose pile of rocks, and the skull. The skull. I just noticed it and may I suggest it goes the way of the jellyfish?

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Ok here's the tank now. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1415998613.729117.jpg I got rid of the jelly and rearranged the rocks.mi left the skull because the fish like to hide in it. The mop is not going to be there permanently.

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