Teen aquarists

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Some of my sisters friends have actually reached into my tank to "help" the snails crawl around when I had to go to the bathroom or I had my back turned for a sec. I got so angry...... :banghead:

I would love to see my friends put there hands in my tanks when i start breeding jags and festae. I wont have to be angry they will be missing a finger
Would if I could!! Probably will tomorrow. My grandparents live on a lake that we swim in. Too bad you can't really see the fish. We went to Spring River in Arkansas last summer and the water in a lot of places was clear enough to see the fish which is always cool. I caught one in my hand but it slipped out almost immediately

Wow. Catching fish with your hands is pretty hard. They seem to be extra coated with soap. Lol
Wtf!!!!! For a month!!!! Where are you? I get out of school next week. Some schools in my area get out of school at the end of June because of the days that school was off from hurricane sandy.

I'm in Tennessee. I'm in college though. I got out a few weeks before my little brother and he's in high school.
I would love to see my friends put there hands in my tanks when i start breeding jags and festae. I wont have to be angry they will be missing a finger

Lol I can't wait till my Oscar is bigger. Ill let guests feed him blood worms and have them hold it above the water for him. *evil laugh*
Some of my sisters friends have actually reached into my tank to "help" the snails crawl around when I had to go to the bathroom or I had my back turned for a sec. I got so angry...... :banghead:

Yeah, not cool at all. I would not be happy lol. My sister got bit by one of my adult cichlids when she put her hand in lol.
I would love to see my friends put there hands in my tanks when i start breeding jags and festae. I wont have to be angry they will be missing a finger

Yeah. Tell them their perfectly safe and to try to touch the eggs. Lol.
911!!!! Not
I don't go back after semester test if I have to take them, I get out a week early if I don't haha
Wow. Catching fish with your hands is pretty hard. They seem to be extra coated with soap. Lol

You should try 'reeling' in a line with your hands. I was fishing off a boat when I was younger and hooked into something big (I was younger then so it seemed even bigger) as I was trying to pull it in, the pole broke. It was my favorite too cause I had used it since I was little. Anyway, I started pulling it in by the line. Not my brightest idea but I was the only one who hadn't caught anything. I eventually got it in. It was a 16lb catfish. Fishing line and bare hands with a fish like that isn't the most fun thing but it was pretty cool that it happened
It would be hilarious if she reached her hands in again. How big is the cichlid now?

I sold him, he was being a bully and killed another fish, so I got rid of him. He was a sweet fish though! A yellow-tailed acei. But I bet he's around 6 inches now!
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