Teen aquarists

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
You should try 'reeling' in a line with your hands. I was fishing off a boat when I was younger and hooked into something big (I was younger then so it seemed even bigger) as I was trying to pull it in, the pole broke. It was my favorite too cause I had used it since I was little. Anyway, I started pulling it in by the line. Not my brightest idea but I was the only one who hadn't caught anything. I eventually got it in. It was a 16lb catfish. Fishing line and bare hands with a fish like that isn't the most fun thing but it was pretty cool that it happened

Thats sweet!
What do you mean Rodrigo?

Well I mean, I have really felt alone in the process of my aquarium life my friends only care about hanging out doing crazy things and just living life out I like a that too but not even my parents really pay attention or follow up with me on my tank passion but since I have gotten to this forum I have felt at home but now that I see so many people at my age or similar I feel safer and more forward going as far as my tanks go
I really don't get how cichlid breeders ( the ones that breed big ones ) not lose their hand when they have to fix something in the tank with their hands.

The fish knows that there's nothing to worry about since they've had a hand near them since birth. Wilds on the other hand are a different story...
Well I mean, I have really felt alone in the process of my aquarium life my friends only care about hanging out doing crazy things and just living life out I like a that too but not even my parents really pay attention or follow up with me on my tank passion but since I have gotten to this forum I have felt at home but now that I see so many people at my age or similar I feel safer and more forward going as far as my tanks go

Yup! Thats part of the reason I started this thread! I wanted more people closer to our age that we can talk and relate to!
If I were to fail a class my dad would probably throw all my pets away he was about to send me to military school just because I was talking in class!
If I were to fail a class my dad would probably throw all my pets away he was about to send me to military school just because I was talking in class!

Wow! Military school for talking in class! So he would literally just throw the guinea pig in the garbage while its still alive?!
Well I mean, I have really felt alone in the process of my aquarium life my friends only care about hanging out doing crazy things and just living life out I like a that too but not even my parents really pay attention or follow up with me on my tank passion but since I have gotten to this forum I have felt at home but now that I see so many people at my age or similar I feel safer and more forward going as far as my tanks go

Good! Yeah I don't have tons of teens in my area who do this hobby either! So far no one on here has posted that they were from Michigan besides me lol!

It's pretty different here in my area. There are so many people with pet interest. Most keep fish as well.
Sent you a pm

Ya my friends dont like keeping fish but they do like fishkng

^ same. I had a friend that I used to talk with about tanks at school but he gave up on the hobby because it was a money trap.

Haven't been able to find anyone else my age into the hobby until now :)
It ended in May- but my dad has had business trips so we haven't had much chance to talk about it. I had all A's at the end of the year.
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