Teen aquarists

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Well, at least when you buy something from that store, you can use that credit. That's better than nothing. ;)

Thats true! Except, the one thing i hate about my LFS, I can only use the credit for live stuff. No equipment or anything! Just live fish or plants. So thats a little annoying! Otherwise i would have saved up fish credit and bought a new tank!
Thats true! Except, the one thing i hate about my LFS, I can only use the credit for live stuff. No equipment or anything! Just live fish or plants. So thats a little annoying! Otherwise i would have saved up fish credit and bought a new tank!

That's not fun. Just think you can have the best planted tank around;)
Hi :) I'm Emily, I'm 18 and my partner Glynn is 20, we're both very into this hobby! Both his mum and my Dad have had aquariums for most our lives so it was kinda inevitable :p I can see what you mean though, most people don't understand why we care about fish so much, it's sad
Hi :) I'm Emily, I'm 18 and my partner Glynn is 20, we're both very into this hobby! Both his mum and my Dad have had aquariums for most our lives so it was kinda inevitable :p I can see what you mean though, most people don't understand why we care about fish so much, it's sad

Hey Emily! Thats awesome that you guys both have tanks! How many aquariums do you have?
Hey Emily! Thats awesome that you guys both have tanks! How many aquariums do you have?

We share two at the moment, one coldwater, one tropical, but his mother is upgrading her tank soon, and giving Glynn her old one, I'm really looking forward to it! :)
Does anyone know what this is on my Diamond tetra? I don't know if it is a fungus or bacteria or what it is.
Thought maybe you all would know:
We share two at the moment, one coldwater, one tropical, but his mother is upgrading her tank soon, and giving Glynn her old one, I'm really looking forward to it! :)

Thats cool! Whats your stock in each? And getting a new tank is always great!
Thats cool! Whats your stock in each? And getting a new tank is always great!

Coldwater is two baby goldfish and a weather loach, tropical is debauwi cats, humbug cat, plec, balloon mollies, khuli loach, vampire shrimp, baby severum, neon tetras and corydoras :)
Ooooo I love mollies!

I have a couple of normal mollies as well as the balloons which I completely forgot about ahah. I'm really proud of my balloons, I'd wanted one for ages but I knew about the potential health problems so I avoided them, but I went into my LFS and they'd had a few sailfin balloons delivered in by accident and I couldn't say no :') They're getting alone really well, swimming and eating just as well as all the other fish! They're little gems :)
Sweet! Lets see some pics!

Don't have a pic of the coldwater unfortunately, I'm not at home right now so I can't take a picture, and I don't have one on my laptop :( I have a pic of the tropical though! Right after I'd put my new plants and bogwood in, I was so proud of it ahah :p just gotta hope I can work out how to attach a picture now ;)
Actually, that's not an ocelot ;) they're South American and this is Africa :) this is more in the lines of a savannah cat :)
Ah, I knew that sounded wrong! Thanks! I was thinking of the serval, very similar... just different contents... Hahaha:)
Don't have a pic of the coldwater unfortunately, I'm not at home right now so I can't take a picture, and I don't have one on my laptop :( I have a pic of the tropical though! Right after I'd put my new plants and bogwood in, I was so proud of it ahah :p just gotta hope I can work out how to attach a picture now ;)

Haha sounds good! Do you have the app for it, or on your laptop?
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