temp and fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 2, 2004
At what temp should my 45 gal tank be set at for!!!! also what is the high they could survive at!!!! i was tols to keep my tank at like 78-82!!!!
semi aggressive fish like placos, different sharks, bottom feeders!!! just a normal tank nothing out of the ordinary!!!
Most Plecos like to be kept between 72-81. I set my comunity tank at about 78. Somewhere between 77 and 81 should be good!

HTH :)
doesnt parisites like ich become more prevelent at those temps?? wouldnt u want to keep it a little higher
i've had my tank for a few months now at a constant 78...I have had no ich problems yet (knock on wood) nor any other health problems. Every tank acts a little different though.
ok i used to keep it at a lower temp but then ich showed up so i dot know i try it for a while again!!! thanks
Ich will show up when the fish are stressed. The only thing a higher temp does to ich is quicken the life cycle. There is an excellent article in the Articles section on FW ich written by Allivymar--check it out. My community tank with smaller plecos is kept at 77 and my Mbuna cichlid tank is at 79. No ich problems, no water problems. The key to healthy fish is keeping a watchful eye on them :wink:
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