The Forty Gallon Breeder Build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Small but commonly available...the tetras I kinda wanted it to be a primary bright color (ex. yellow or orange), but big enough for the angel not to eat.
Hmmmm wat bout the ember tetra or glowlight tetra
Definite "no" for embers. They are tiny.
Cardinals are a possibility. Lemon tetras, x-ray tetras, platys fit the colors you like, emperor tetras. Rummynose tetras. Unfortunately, those are what I can think of at this second. A lot of the brighter tetras are smaller... I'll keep thinking!
Gboy66 said:
Hahah uhm what? Read to you?! What grade u in? Haha and i think grandma is a dedicated fish hobbiest to but idk

I'm in 8th grade!! LOL I know it's weird, I feel so stupid. This is getting off topic.
absolutangel04 said:
Definite "no" for embers. They are tiny.
Cardinals are a possibility. Lemon tetras, x-ray tetras, platys fit the colors you like, emperor tetras. Rummynose tetras. Unfortunately, those are what I can think of at this second. A lot of the brighter tetras are smaller... I'll keep thinking!

Off topic let's get back on track here :)

IDK embers and glowlights seem too small and would get eaten by my angel. X-rays kinda freak me out. Lemon tetras are definitely a possibility. I thought emperor tetras got too big for forty gallons? Rummynoses would work but then I'd have to think of some other rainbows, I'd only like one school thats red.
You can go with boesmani rainbows, they're really colorful. Especially as they get older. Dark yellow and dark blue. Almost the colors of the Bruins colors (did I say the team right? I'm not into sports) I'm not sure if they would fit in a 40. Probably.

And I love lemon tetras, I would go with them.
George9 said:
You can go with boesmani rainbows, they're really colorful. Especially as they get older. Dark yellow and dark blue. Almost the colors of the Bruins colors (did I say the team right? I'm not into sports) I'm not sure if they would fit in a 40. Probably.

And I love lemon tetras, I would go with them.

I do like my boesmans-A LOT-, but the problem is they are HUGE-3-4 inches long. Idk if they're comfortable in there because they swim from one side of the tank to the other in like three seconds which is why I wanted to donate them to someone.

Okay, does anyone else second the le
On tetras?
You can buy them smaller and they take a long time to grow, if your a buy now think later kinda guy. But 3-4 inches is kinda big for a 40, I wasn't sure about the exact numbers.
I do like my boesmans-A LOT-, but the problem is they are HUGE-3-4 inches long. Idk if they're comfortable in there because they swim from one side of the tank to the other in like three seconds which is why I wanted to donate them to someone.

Okay, does anyone else second the le
On tetras?
Emperor tetras only get to be 2 inches. Sometimes, there are other species sold under that name, but true emperor tetras would be fine in a 40 gallon. They are more colorful than lemons, but if you like lemons, go for it!(y)
I do like my boesmans-A LOT-, but the problem is they are HUGE-3-4 inches long. Idk if they're comfortable in there because they swim from one side of the tank to the other in like three seconds which is why I wanted to donate them to someone.

:lol: true.
They are a big fish - I personally wouldn't put them in a 40 gallon.

For their size, and the fact that they are a fast, active fish - I'd recommend a 4 foot tank (75 gallon minimum).
The same goes with Tiger Barbs. Many don't realize how big tiger barbs can grow! They need space.They don't stay cute and small forever.
You can buy them smaller and they take a long time to grow, if your a buy now think later kinda guy. But 3-4 inches is kinda big for a 40, I wasn't sure about the exact numbers.

I know-which is why I want to put them in another tank so am handing them over to the LFS.

Emperor tetras only get to be 2 inches. Sometimes, there are other species sold under that name, but true emperor tetras would be fine in a 40 gallon. They are more colorful than lemons, but if you like lemons, go for it!(y)

Which would you think are better?

:lol: true.
They are a big fish - I personally wouldn't put them in a 40 gallon.

For their size, and the fact that they are a fast, active fish - I'd recommend a 75 gallon.
The same goes with Tiger Barbs. Many don't realize how big tiger barbs can grow! They need space.They don't stay cute and small forever.

I know :)

Another option is the flame tetra.

What does that look like?
I know-which is why I want to put them in another tank so am handing them over to the LFS.

Which would you think are better?

I know :)

What does that look like?
Everybody, he already ruled out Boesman's ages back in this thread.
Flame tetras are also called von Rio tetras. They are spade shaped and bright orange. They kind of look like an orange black skirt tetra.
Personally, I like emperor tetras more than lemons, but the lemons are typically cheaper, easier to find, and a bit hardier.
I am not familiar with many rainbow species, but I know the threadfins are certainly pretty.:)
absolutangel04 said:
Everybody, he already ruled out Boesman's ages back in this thread.
Flame tetras are also called von Rio tetras. They are spade shaped and bright orange. They kind of look like an orange black skirt tetra.
Personally, I like emperor tetras more than lemons, but the lemons are typically cheaper, easier to find, and a bit hardier.
I am not familiar with many rainbow species, but I know the threadfins are certainly pretty.:)

I did keep the boesmans and australians because they were being kept in a twenty gallon tank-which I thought was unfair for them.

Te LFS has all the fish you mentioned. I'll do my research on all the tetras and rainbows you mentioned. Thanks guys :)
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