The new guy

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 7, 2008
Hi :D Im new to this site so Im looking for some friends to make on here. We have 3 tanks ( 30 gallon with lobster, 75 coral in the making and a 210 fish only ) all saltwater. I have some pics uploaded already. I suck at aquascapping so its looking bleak in the 210. Anyways this is my shout out to you all :p
Hi dude.
Sounds like you have some cool tanks. Post some pics, I'd like to see!
Welcome to the board, its a great site, they have helped me lots with my new 30 SW setup.

Take care,
- Tommy
You have some nice tank shots. I would look to add more LR in your big tank, about 1.5-2Lbs per gallon.
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