The pleco bug.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 14, 2013
North Central, OH
I think I'm coming down with a case of the pleco bug.
Up until a couple months ago I thought they were creepy and I didn't think I'd ever want one, until I saw a picture of Calico/Marbled Bristlenoses. I couldn't get over their cuteness and decided to go on a search for my own.
I ended up finding a great deal on eBay for a set of 3 and ended up receiving 4 and since they have been in my home (about a month now) I have grown to love the species as a whole.
I am now considering moving out half of my bettas to make room for more color morphs and dwarf species, and eventually when I finally get my fish room, devoting half the space to them.

Someone please tell me I'm not alone in my love for them?!
Yes, I also love bristlenoses! My favorite pleco
Now, three should be at least in a 30 gallon(many people will say I'm wrong and that they need at least 55 gallons, trust me, I had one in a 10 gallon)
You should have 4 at least in a 35 gallon, what size is your tank?
Even my fish-hating wife is starting to like them.
We picked up a Bristlenose a few weeks ago, and the shop also had a few Golden Nuggets. She REALLY wanted a GN, but I think i'd have to swap out some existing stock to make room for it.

I have to say, i love watching Larry (BN) race around the glass eating the algae.
Right now they are in a 28, but are only 2", I'm. Cycling a 50 for them right now. A little on the small side, by 5 gallons, but there is plenty if filtration in the tank. I'm also planning on selling 2 once I get them sexed-- actually their current home is my avatar picture, plenty of algea, driftwood, caves, and fresh veggies for them...what I consider to be pretty ideal other than the size, which Is changing soon

GN's are cool! You should get one.

I've been looking at chocolate albinos with starry eyes for the past couple of weeks. I know I don't/won't have a tank big enough for them for a while so I won't get them, but its really hard to resist!
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