TheresaM's tank thread

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The Alabama defense was something. I changed the channel and watched LOTR.
You mean meeting on Saturday? Yes. Bunch of plants for the auction. Someone will be talking about Apistogrammas. I will be picking up some freebie RCS and an oto from another member.

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Woke up two dead shrimp in the Spec. Filter pump was running but no water in the intake. I don't know what happened or changed after almost a month but apparently as of yesterday I had too much filter media. Removed one layer of sponge and it's back to normal, go figure.
Sorry to hear about that and the rogue amanos. I never even knew they even COULD escape tanks, much less did in such numbers.

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It could have been worse and I don't even know if the two shrimp deaths were related to the incident. Lots of activity in the tank since I got the filter running again!

At this point all the Amanos are in the Endlers tank and seem quite happy. I definitely see them more often than when they were in the 16g.

I still want to order more branched cholla for the Spec but haven't heard back from the Ebay seller. If nothing by the end of the week maybe I'll start looking for other sources. We were wearing shorts here on Christmas but now it's crazy cold again so I'm putting CRS ordering on hold for a bit.
Here are some very recent shots of the jungle tank, which is in desperate need of trimming/thinning. About a month ago I sold what I thought was a decent sized amount of the baby tears yet what's grown back seems to be at least double that amount! I'd like to sell more but the cold weather really concerns me....

Quite a few dwarf sags and vals should go as well. Nothing has been uprooted since I started the tank so that makes me nervous as well :hide:

Anyhow, this is daytime:


And at night:


As far as stock there are two otos, two nerite snails, and least killifish & RCS, no idea about the numbers of either :whistle: This is one of my females:

Apparently I was wrong, there's still one Amano in the 16g:


Kind of felt sorry for it wandering into this craziness:

Nice pics! Love the tech less 10, looks amazing for the fact that you barely do anything with it. I really like kuhlis, unfortunately I don't have room for them anywhere. Are you planning on getting the amano out of the 16?
Nice pics! Love the tech less 10, looks amazing for the fact that you barely do anything with it. I really like kuhlis, unfortunately I don't have room for them anywhere. Are you planning on getting the amano out of the 16?

Thanks, I'm so happy with that tank!

Going to leave the Amano, would probably cause a bunch of stress to the entire tank if I tried to catch it. Guess it wasn't feeling adventurous like the one that escaped :rolleyes:

:ROFLMAO: love that last photo. And wouldn't mind some vals and dwarf sag if you're looking to get rid of some!

I would love to but unfortunately I'm without a car indefinitely. Very frustrating because in addition to the vals & dwarf sag I'd really like to sell some salvinia minima and baby tears. Space is becoming an issue and I really don't want to just throw plants in the trash :( 05 2016 amano2_zpsltafmgu0.jpg
Another great picture that should be a caption contest!
"Yea,yea I'm telling you.Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails!,You guys better get out of here!":lol:

They're so funny, the poor shrimp just kept jumping straight up every time they'd move. Love the caption!

AA should have a caption contest, that's an awesome idea! Would be a cool addition to POTM and TOTM.

That would definitely be a fun contest!
The post office will drop off flat rate boxes for free and you can print out labels on the computer. My housebound mom did care packages for me this way. She had the post office pick up the boxes. They're pretty understanding if you reach out to them.

"'I swear I parked the car somewhere around here.' 'We should just ask for directions Bill.' 'I DON'T need directions, Susan!' I bet the car is parked right around the corner!'"

Edit: this doesnt work because there seems to be 4 kuhli loaches and not the 2 that i thought there were [emoji23]

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Shrimp: MWAHAHAHA..... Go now my minions. Do thy bidding. Mwahahaha.

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Ok, this forum is great! We lost one of our dogs a year ago was so nice to check this thread and read all the photo captions. Thanks so much for the smiles on a rough day :flowers:
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