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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 28, 2011
Virginia Beach
So I have had my puffer for a few days now. I did a small water change about 20 minutes ago. So I get out of my chair to start the discus wc and this is what I see him puffed up using the power head to blow sand off him. I can't believe I seen him puff so soon. It only lasted a minute now he is back hunting lol. So amazing I just had to share
Marine it's a porcupine puffer . I wish I got more pictures but I was stuck staring in amazement
Yea he is pretty small . You can't really tell from the pic but he had spikes coming out everywhere including his face
Yea he is awesome I'm glad I got him instead of a lion fish. They are extremely active fish . Fun to watch
No that's way to small. They are messy fish. The minimum is 75 gallon but some say 100 plus minimum but I got mine in a 75 but it's a one fish tank. I plan to get a 25 gallon sump to handle the bio load when he gets bigger.
O ok I got a one bedroom apt with 2 75 gallons a 45 a 33 long and a 29 lol it's my own place so I just filled it with tanks
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