Tiger oscar

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 23, 2012
What is the best filter to buy? Any suggestion I have to tiger oscar and plecos size is about 6in.
No filter will be good enough or a tank that size with that stocking...you need a MUCH larger tank, like 125 gallons bc of the sailfin
You really need to rehome your fish now they really do need100 gallons plus right now
What size are you getting? For messy fish like oscars, canister filters are typically recommended, but we can give you more advice if we know the exact tank size. Also, just to clarify, do you have 1 or 2 oscars and 1 or 2 plecos? Again, it helps us know what to recommend.
I have two Oscar and one pleco. It going to be 100g I think. Getting it from a friend.
I would definitely make sure of size I recommend a fluval 405 or Rena xp3 for those fish
Youcould use it but definitley add a canister or else 2 major HOBs like aquaclear 110s
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