Top half open swimmers for a 75g

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2013
Looking to finish my stocking for my 75 gallon. Looking for a school of 8-10 peaceful fish. Most of my stock hands out in the bottom half of the tank. Just my two female pearl gourami.
Looking for some suggestions. Not interested in hatchet fish. My one idea is dwarf neon rainbows Anybody with experience with them? Any other suggestions?

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I have furcatas and gertrudae. While I like both I personally prefer the colors of the furs.

Cherry barbs are peaceful if you're looking for something red.

Oh and my CPDs are definitely top-half fish, you could do a very large group in that size tank!
If you want a good fish... (my african rope fish never hides btw, idk why).

CAUTION!: Before you get an african rope fish, you need to check your tank, as african ropes can get 15 inches long in the aquarium setting, but probably only an inch or an inch and 3/4.

They are a great fish and i reccomend getting one, just, before buying, give me a list of your fish, so i can confirm the tank as being rope fish safe (Reccomended tankmates are Bichirs, Large Catfish, Knifefish, and Weather Loaches).

Lung Fish-


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Well. You could try platys? They don't really school, but they are pretty colorful! The ratio is 2F to 1M. Beware though, if you don't want rampant fry. Even if you get only females, they have a pretty much guaranteed batch of fry for three months. I think its okay to have males only too?
If you want a good fish... (my african rope fish never hides btw, idk why).

CAUTION!: Before you get an african rope fish, you need to check your tank, as african ropes can get 15 inches long in the aquarium setting, but probably only an inch or an inch and 3/4.

They are a great fish and i reccomend getting one, just, before buying, give me a list of your fish, so i can confirm the tank as being rope fish safe (Reccomended tankmates are Bichirs, Large Catfish, Knifefish, and Weather Loaches).

Why, just why?!?
Rope fish are cool but just wouldn't work with my stock

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african ropes can get 15 inches long in the aquarium setting, but probably only an inch or an inch and 3/4.

I believe that they get a little longer than 1.5" . To the OP I would recommend some golden wider killies. They can be a little aggressive so depending on you stock they may work. They spend 90% of their time right at the surface and are some unusual odd balls.
Don't rope fish like a few rope fish friends. Think they would eat my Cardinal tetras and maybe my corys

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I wasn't suggesting it for this stock. Merely stating they are peaceful community fish, if kept well fed.


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One of my original plans with this talk was to do a small group of rope fish

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As of right now I think the zebra danios over the dwarf rainbows is my first choice. While the rainbows are more striking then the zebras. 20$ for 10 sounds a lot better the 100$ for 10.

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As of right now I think the zebra danios over the dwarf rainbows is my first choice. While the rainbows are more striking then the zebras. 20$ for 10 sounds a lot better the 100$ for 10.

Wow, I definitely didn't pay that much for mine! I like zebras but I'd be concerned about them with gouramis.
I've got clown killifish & lampeyes & all they do is hang about the top of the tank . The lampeyes in particular school nicely together . I've six of them ;)

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I've got clown killifish & lampeyes & all they do is hang about the top of the tank . The lampeyes in particular school nicely together . I've six of them ;)

I have clowns you think they'd end up being a meal for a pearl gourami?
I've seen gourami and neon tetras kept together. Depends if they are aggressive and if they are kept well fed.


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