Topping Off tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 7, 2004
Euless, TX
Is there a convenient method of keeping an aquarium full automatically? Is there a top-off system that can pull water from a standby source and keep the tank full? TIA.
You'd be far better off getting a good, tight-fitting tank lid to cut down on evaporation. I would constantly worry about any top-off system causing a flood.
Also, a good bit of advice is if your tank needs to be topped off, its a sign the tank needs a water change. Don't forget, as the water levels reduce, the DOCs, detritus and other stuff in the water becomes more concentrated.
I agree with Alli on this one, Do it your-self and that way you know whats going on. The other thing to remember is that if you use a topping up system and your tank developes a leak you will end up with the water from the tank and you topping up water all over your floor.
DOC = dissolved organic compounds

Way to automatically top off = a modified toilet tank float/valve assembly (remove the toilet first)

If you choose to do this you could just have a water change schedule, stick it on your fridge. Or your toilet.
I top of daily to the mark on my sump by hand. I also use this time to empty the collection cup off my skimmer and check things over.
I always think that if the tank has to be topped off, it's time for a water change.
I would have to do a water change daily, then.

Keeping the water level consistent keeps your salinity consistent. Otherwise, as evaporation occurred, your salinity would rise.
Okay, so it doesn't evaporate that much on a daily basis? I am building a full hood for my aquarium but I won't finish that for a bit since I was told yesterday I have to travel week after next.

I made some fair progress on the stand last evening and I hope to be able to have it finished by Monday; as it is I will not be able to apply the first coat of finish until sometime Sunday, which means Wednesday or so before all of the finish (stain and urethane) is applied and done.
It doesn't evaporate that much to me either, but enough that I use a squeeze bottle or two full of water daily into the sump. I use a squeeze bottle because I can pour it easily into the sump under the cabinet.
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