Trigon 190

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2017
Currently have been slowly stocking my tank at the moment I have 8 giant danios, 6 pristilla tetras, 6 what I think are serpae tetras, but they are more silver with white tips on the fins 4 small angel fish, waiting to see if I can get a pair then re-home 2, 1 albino pleco who once grows to big I will re-home and get a small pleco again. So based on the 1lt water per cm off fish my tank is almost fully stocked but as these fish are small the aquarium looks empty would I get away with stocking anymore fish?
99x70x60 190ltr. Now dealing with a new issue my heater has gone on.the blink what I get for buying a non branded heater.
It sounds pretty well stocked for schools to me. Perhaps something along bottom.

Unfortunately that rule is kind of a starting point (as you probably know), but I’ve always liked that it should be for full grown fish including tail (least ways that was the message passed across to me).
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