Tropheus question

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Big John

Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 22, 2013
I Understand that tropheus are best kept in groups but is it ok to keep several types of tropheus in the same tank?
I have no idea but I'm gonna see if anyone else can help by me commenting!:)
Thanks a lot there not all rushing with an answer so any help is welcome lol
Yes, you can mix Tropheus species but a few issues can arise. The first one is each species of fish will have a alpha male so depending how many species you choose having a few dominant fish can create potential aggression issues. The second issue would be inter-breeding, this wouldn't be a issues as long as the resulting monstrosities don't leave the containment zone.
Thanks HUKIT yet again you have given me the advice I needed and I promise anything bred in the tank will stay in there
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