Trying a planted 120gal tank..again, but with RO/DI water

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 4, 2013
Bernville, PA
Hello all. So after not being the best aquarist I felt that it was time to get back on track with things before the became even worse. Long story short I haven't done PWC's in quite some time because I was afraid of throwing my tank into a mini cycle yet again. I have since got my hands on a BRS RO/DI unit. And it's time to start back up with my PWC. I have tried plants before with no success. They always end up dying. I will be getting a 60" T5HO from aqua traders here shortly. I think that may help a lot.

If anyone could point me in a good direction for additives for my RO/DI water that would be really helpful. As of right now my plan is to (and currently am doing this) have my RO/DI water I a. Brute trashcan, put a heater in there to get it to tank temp, and a circulation pump suction cupped to the side or bottom to keep the water moving, and adding Kent's RO Right. Now my RO/DI water has a pH of 6. I want to bring it up to around 7, but I want to do it the easiest and safest way for when I have plants In there. I don't plan on using a CO2 system at all. I also want to safely bring my pH back to a normal level in my tank, currently it's a 6 but should be around 7 maybe a little less. I have read to use Seachem Neutral regulator but since I already have high phosphates in my tank, not sure that's the route I want to go. Any help is greatly appreciated. Stocking and water parameters are listed below.

2 parrot fish
2 kissing gouramis
2 blue gouramis
4 tiger barbs
4 green tiger barbs
5 red glass rosey barbs
5 serpae tetras
5 golden barbs
Banded leporinus
Striped rapheal cat
2 bumble bee cat
African feather fin cat
Rainbow shark
Fire eel
Bala shark

Temp 77
pH 6-7.5
dH 10-15

pH 6
Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 160
KH 1
GH 14
TDS 734
Phosphate 10
Garden hose RO/DI
pH 6
Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
GH 1
KH 1
Phosphate 0

Thank you in advance,
So I ended up getting Seachem's Acid and Alkaline buffers to treat my RO/DI water. Seems a bit confusing so if anyone can shed some light it would be greatly appreciated.
Ive been considering trying the same thing and I'll be curious to see what kind of results you end up with.
My plan was to experiment with different ratios of RO/DI water and tap water until I ended up with the pH, GH and KH I wanted.
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