Trying to find Leonardite

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Rodeo one

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 3, 2013
Trying to find Leonardite on line. Does ANYBODY !!!!??? know where I can order it? It s called Black Diamond, the bag has an Indian holding a feather?? Could only find it in Canada & they won t ship to the USA. Please, help.....
What do you want to use it for? This is interesting as I work for a company that mines leonardite and it has a lot of applications, but not too many have heard of it :)
In reading about planted tanks, I think it was Tom Barr recommended it under the EcoComplete. It was mentioned in a couple other articles, also. Traditionally, people use peat moss but they said the Leonardite was better.
So, basically using it as a base for some ion absorption and possibly for its humic acid content?
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