types of cichlids

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Ok understandable, let's try again lol. The post about the color makes sense so I thought that if I do a group of all black and all white fish with some bright blue or yellow would really make things pop
butterfly_koi said:
Ok understandable, let's try again lol. The post about the color makes sense so I thought that if I do a group of all black and all white fish with some bright blue or yellow would really make things pop

Try and aim for like 3 more types for a 75. You have to over stock to keep aggression down.
I would say to get 6 midnight mloto, 6 cobalt zebras and 6 electric yellow lab and 6 sunshine peacocks if it was me.
Andrew McFadden said:
The last time I mixed zebras together it didn't go over well. Well not all I guess some are doing just fine

Along those lines, when I mixed peacocks with even very mellow Mbuna, the Peacocks got beat up to the point of stressing them to death.

butterfly_koi, I sent you a PM.
It all depends on the mix and tank size hiding places etc. I have haps mbuna and peacocks all in one tank with no problems other then the mbuna killing mbuna.
True, and the personality of the fish. Some fish are just stinkers that should be peaceful, and some fish are peaceful that should be stinkers. All fish should be on probation until they reach full maturity. I've had fish get along just fine for months until they start to color up, then it can be like Jekyll and Hyde.
Now I'm not an African person, but what about demasoni? I just really like those, but I know they do better in a species specific tank, and I figured I'd let you guys tell me
butterfly_koi said:
Here's a question, do all cichlids have the little spots on the bottom fin? Every picture I've seen they all have this

The spots on the anal fin are called egg spots, vary in color and size (typically the size and color of an egg), and are found on both males and females. Very interesting theories about their purpose and evolution. They play a role during courtship and spawning. You can look up a Journal article online "The Function of Anal Fin Egg-Spots in the Cichlid Fish Astatotilapia burtoni.". Interesting article and it is free.
I would have to say no to that one and i didnt even get past the first few on there. Remember what I said you do not want to mix different african lakes together or american with african.
Andrew McFadden said:
I would have to say no to that one and i didnt even get past the first few on there. Remember what I said you do not want to mix different african lakes together or american with african.

Ok scratch that idea lol. I'm literally beginning to write all of this down. I'm sorry of I'm making you guys feel like your repeating yourselves I'm not doing it on purpose I promise. So let's start from here, I really want a snow white zebra mbuna what would be the best compatibility.

Is that what its called?
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I have never kept one soo its hard to say. I could make up a list buy the list and stock them and just try it. Like labenator said earlyer its different for all poeple and it may work for one but not another.
Labenator65000 said:
Along those lines, when I mixed peacocks with even very mellow Mbuna, the Peacocks got beat up to the point of stressing them to death.

butterfly_koi, I sent you a PM.

Thanks for the pm kinda helps, I think I'm going with Malawi Mbunas is that a good start?
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