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Harry Gross

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 29, 2009
Bigbear California
Well hello everybody !!
Its been a coupla' days since I've thrown anything out there so I figured to post alittle to get everybody up to speed.> K ?

So far...(after having tore -comepletely-apart my recently acquired 100+gallon salty and scrubbing down every piece of it)...it and I have been waiting on the previous owner ( and myself ) to find the time to piece it all back together. See this is my first salty and although it needs alot of TLC it HAS all the bells and whistles....and upon agreement of taking over the behemathe (sp?) the previous owner had consented to coming back another day to school me on the actual assembly..(or should I say RE-assembly)...thus giving me time to clean up all of the years of neglect.
Well today is scheduled to be the reconstruction day. The previous owner is supposed to come by and help me set it all back up and actually plug her in and transfer the two clownies and one blueguy back into the big tank.
I am soooooo grateful for the input I've gotten from this website (!!!) becuse yesturday a.m. I noticed that the fish...who'er inna 10 gal. (temporarily) were acting stange and sluggish.(!!??) They were barely moving...I could reach right inti the tank and touch them w/my bare hand !!
So due to the recent input I've recieved via A/A I guessed that this had-to-be becuse of alkilines...ph...etc and the fact that I had'nt known...until the previous evening that I should be changing H20 waaaaay more often than I was. Well....the short version of the story is that that tank gotta good flushing and last night after work my babies were bouncing off the walls and cruising all back and forth looking soooooooo much better.
I've located the testing kits that were inna box of stuff which came with....(after a paniced phonecall to the previous....) and all is well.
Later today I'm gonna give the 100 gallon a final vacuming and commence to making about 70+ gallons of brandnew saltwater...plus reload the brine tank w/water...set up the calcium pumping system...skimmer and everything else....( and providing everything goes according to plan- w/the planned re-visit from the previous-owner) she'll be all up and running and test/balance-able. I'll leave it run for a coupla' days before putting the fish back in.(that way I can check back in w/-A/A and be sure all systems are "GO"...dig ??)
We (Bigbear) are in the midst of a snowstorm right now....which could/would be the only aspect which could stop this final phase of this reconstuction. Fingers crossed for me guys...(???) K !!??
Get atcha' soon ....Harry Gross BFC
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