Urgent! Is her breeding tube seared closed?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2014
I have a pair of angelfish spawning right now and the female isn't laying any eggs!! She's gone up and down the filter intake tube and no eggs have come out. The heater is close by but it's not on right now (it's one of the ones that turn on and off when it gets to the right temp) any help is appreciated!

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Also is there a possibility that she has no more eggs to lay? She's only laid 13 so I didn't really think that was it. And would her breeding tube look burned because hers doesn't.

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By now, I'm assuming it all went normally, didn't it? Angels will do many "mock" runs prior to laying to make sure the area feels right for spawning. This is probably what you watched. Sometimes they will start laying a few eggs but the real laying is just around the corner. ;)
As for searing her tube closed, it would take a lot of higher temps for that happen so I doubt that's the cause. Considering that the heater warms up and doesn't just go from cold to burning hot, so I'm sure the fish can feel the temp rising either with their mouths when preparing the site or their tube as she starts to lay the eggs. It IS, however, a good idea to turn off a heater if the fish decide to spawn on it as the eggs can easily be cooked by the heater.

Keep us posted (y)
Ok it seems like she had some sort of like almost rotten eggs inside her?? But she passed that and is laying eggs fine ? but they weren't sticking properly. They seem to be sticking good now.

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She is also laying white eggs. So I'm thinking she is laying these a day late? Is that possible? Can the male still fertilize them? Oh and every so often the eggs will just pop off and the parents eat them but they aren't eating the ones that are sticking.

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Lol I went from 14 eggs to this in about 15-20 minutes ?? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1426556081.158812.jpg

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Hopefully, she is not laying a lot of white eggs. Laying white eggs means they are dead inside of her. No, there is nothing the male can do with a white egg other than eat it. If this is a continual thing ( as in happens every spawn this same way), you may want to start feeding her some medicated food for internal bacterial diseases. It might mean she has an internal issue which is causing the eggs to die inside her. An occasional white egg being laid is nothing to worry about. A few every spawn is an issue. A lot every spawn is a problem that needs to be addressed as it could cause her to become egg bound. So nothing to do now but keep watch and take notice of their next spawns. (y)
Well so far no more white eggs! She is just stubborn and was like I NEED to spawn on the filter intake tube NOT on the nice, big, wonderful piece of slate you put in here for me lol so I think she was due yesterday but waited until I moved the filter out of the stream of bubbles because she's cool like that ??

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Hahaha now I have too many eggs lol my angels are spawning, my apple snails have finally started breeding and I have 24 chicken eggs in the incubator! Also a goat due in like 3 or 4 days! So many babies...

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Fish don;t work that way. They are never "due'. They spawn when the conditions are right for spawning. You can approximate the frequency by tracking dates but there are many things that can delay a spawn or stop it all together. For fish, they can go an entire lifetime without ever spawning. That's just the way they are. In your case, it sounds like the female has a spot she likes but truthfully, the filter is not the best place if you plan on raising the fry. Next time, try placing the slate in front of the filter stem and I'd be surprised if they don;t spawn on it or find another place. (y)
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