Use for old charcoal?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 31, 2004
Does anyone have a use for the old charcoal you take out of you filter every two weeks? I think "recycle" and just wondering.
AFAIK, regenerating activated charcoal requires specialized equipment - 200o C in a mixture of 80% CO2 and 20% air.

If the charcoal was used to remove medications of any kind, it should just be discarded.

If it was used to remove tannins and odors, it may be possible to mix it into flower beds to aerate the soil and provide some nutrients. I'd get the OK from some gardeners more experienced than I before trying this, though.
well i don't know about everybody else... but my old carbon floats... once in a while i accidentaly have dropped a piece of two in the tank, and it doesn't sink, so I don't think you can use it as a substrate
charcoal, being porous, has large surface area per volume, making it ideal for growing your biofilter. I use that in my wet dry instead of bioballs.

Some people NEVER change out their charcoal (unless used to remove meds) and leave it in permanantly as a home for their biobugs.
i generally just dump it into my parents flower bed. the plants seem to love it! so i believe its safe do dump it in the flower bed. i never liked just throwing it out
but doesn't AC eventually leach stuff back into the tank if it's left in for too long?
Good question. It seems that once it gets covered over with a layer of bacteria or crud, that may no longer be the case.
jcarlilesiu said:
well i don't know about everybody else... but my old carbon floats... once in a while i accidentaly have dropped a piece of two in the tank, and it doesn't sink, so I don't think you can use it as a substrate

Substrate for floating plants then :)

I just chuck it out, but I only use it to remove meds..
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