water conditioner help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2012
I'm searching for a good water conditioner as well as ammonia remover. I checked all d review about different product of conditioning agent. Lastly decide for seachem Prime. Reviews r amazing and do multiple things wid conditioning it removes ammonia too. See some other products too like tetra aqua safe,sera products and hagen product too.prime do a good job coz only 5ml of it can handle upto 50 US gallon while other stick on maximum of 5-10 gallon.now want to take suggessions from u guys that what's d grt product to purchase?thanx
Prime is one of the top ones. I've always used api's conditioner since it is so readily available in my area. Prime does not remove ammonia, it converts it into a non toxic form that will not show on a test. If you're having ammonia issues then the focus needs to be directed to your filtration.
Is That non toxic form can harm my fishes? No I haven't an ammonia issue yet.just asking as I want to buy a good conditioner.I have some more questions.how often u used prime?only after a water change? Can I add prime to the water when my fishes r present or I need to take them out and then add it?
Thanx convict for the link. Prime is slight costly though I decide to buy this product. Grt one.
Prime costs more but I bet you it goes way farther than any other product. 1 ML does like 10 gallons of water.
I've used a couple different conditioners but have found Prime to be the best so far. I will swear by Prime until something proves me wrong
Thanx guys for all ur suggessions. It makes me so sure to buy this widout any confusion in my mind. Thanx a lot all of u
Can I add prime wen my cichlids r in tank? Is that safe enough Or I hav to remove them to apply it on water?
Completely safe for them. I however don't recommend pouring a lot in directly on top of fish as they will be curious in nature to examine what's coming into their water.
Yup that's why I worry for them.Anything that added to water firstly they came to the surface and try to taste it. This is the probs with adding. Bt if it's safe enough then fine.I'm thinking of taking some water out in a bucket and then add prime to it as my tank volume require.then after stirring it I put the water back to my tank? Is this work?
There are a few other comparable products to Prime, but it's one of the most readily available. They don't have the market cornered by any means, but it can be found easily at many LFS and is fairly priced.

A good alternative, although less concentrated, is amquel+. Some places will carry seachem or kordon's but not both.
Prime does not remove ammonia, it converts it into a non toxic form that will not show on a test.

Prime converts ammonia to a non-toxic form (ammonium) but some test kits will still detect this ammonium as ammonia until the beneficial bacteria processes it.
Went to my LFS today, and finally buy the prime. In Kolkata it cost aroud Rs550-600(INR). Happy wid the product of seachem. Just love it. Buy a cyphon pipe and a lil bag of activated carbon for my filter today.
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