Week Three

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 23, 2013
Chicago Area
Hey everybody, made it to week three with very minimal problems! I currently have the Coralife Biocube 29 and I wanted to get another fish. I currently have

Clarkii's x2
Bullet Goby x1
And a CUC
Any suggestions?
Hey everybody, made it to week three with very minimal problems! I currently have the Coralife Biocube 29 and I wanted to get another fish. I currently have

Clarkii's x2
Bullet Goby x1
And a CUC
Any suggestions?

Those clarkiis will be an issue sooner or later IMO. They get very large and will own that tank. Maybe rehome them when they get big. Um how about a royal gramma?
I don't know, not really a fan of grammas. How big of a tank do Clarkiis need?

I would say at least 40 gallons for the pair. If they are small now though they should be fine for a while. What fish interest you?
I like fish with tons of personality, color isn't a factor. Past that, I don't really know yet. I've done tons of research, but have next to no experience.
Lawnmower blenny no doubt! I have several blennies and he is such a character. I've had two and both were the same, excellent fish.
Would he have enough food? My bullet just started eating food, he cleared the algae WAY too fast
he will eat and munch on any algae you have still and you can put out seaweed sheets forhim to eat as well. i have yet to have one that didnt eat frozen and pellets, odds are he will eat things other than algae. BUT if he doesnt then sheets are the way to go.

Gonna try to find a picture of my lawnmower....
Yeah, he was. My barnacle blenny is even worse than that. Fish do not go hungry in my house lol. That lawnmower did alot of eating and perching, pretty lay fish but he always moved around the tank and followed me giving me odd looks like what are you doing in here, this is MY tank? LOL
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