Weird(?) Anacharis growth...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2005
Louisville, KY
So I'm looking over my tank last night, noticing that my anacharis is all growing like weeds, and I see that a handful of the plants, maybe 6 total, have some odd root growth on them. I suspect this is 'normal', but I thought it was kind of odd...


Right in the middle of the image, that root starts about 2.5" above the gravel!
Not all the plants are growing roots @ branch intersections, like this one is...

Anyway, though I'd share, and see if anyone had any theories as to why this was happening, if in fact it isn't 'normal'.
I just thought it looked rather odd... I suppose once it really grows some rootage down there, the fishies will enjoy the 'shelter'. :)
I thought it meant there wasn't enough nutrition in the substrate (dropping roots to pick more up out of the column)..

But I've noticed a lot of my stem plants will do the same..
Wizzard~Of~Ozz said:
I thought it meant there wasn't enough nutrition in the substrate (dropping roots to pick more up out of the column)..

But I've noticed a lot of my stem plants will do the same..

Thats funny and I always was told the opposite. Know I need to find out which is right. Google here I come.
Root hair- a trichome on the root epidermis made from an extension of an epidermal cell which assists with absorption of nutrients.

Looks like it grows to help it get nourishment, tho this can be because of "good growth" requiring more nutrients, or lack of nutrients. I included that I get them on some stem plants because I have that junk resin substrate.
It appears the description for "root hairs" indicates it is on the surface of the root itself. I have always heard of the roots cjw has pictured as "aerial roots." Some say it happens when plants want more nutrients from the substrate. I believe this makes sense because plants will take in nutrients in the water column from leaf tissue, but I may be wrong. Some plants, like Anacharis with one end in the substrate, will always do it. Some plants are more prone to do it when planted in high current, as if the plant is anchoring itself. Agree that it is totally normal.

(R. rotundifolia in high current and nutrient rich substrate.)
The first description (and where I got the term root hairs) also called them water roots...

In either case, The definately are the plant trying to get more nourishment, and they are generally a sign that the plant is growing well, or really trying hard. You case being the former.
I wonder what kind of roots anacharis would grow if it was free floating, then... an experiment, perhaps? I suspect it would grow a lot of these...

I was told recently that my rummynose would spend more time towards the top of the tank if I had some floating plants for them, so I've been considering letting some anacharis grow crazy up there, but there isn't a lot of surface area in a 30long to have a mass of floating plants...
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