Wet/Dry filter cleaning?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 10, 2004
Do any of you folks clean your wet/dry filtration system? I recall reading in another thread concerning high nitrate levels someone suggested cleaning the wet/dry filter. Mine still contains the bioballs that my LFS said to keep in there.


Is this something I should consider to control diatom algae that cleaning crew can't get to? I have an RO/DI system ordered and should be able to make next water change with good water, but not quite sure this will get rid of diatoms that are in overflow components/tubing and wet/dry/sump.

My tank is in its 3rd month and I know the algae bloom is normal but should I be concerned with aglae in my filtration and tubing??

As always, many thanks to all...

I clean tubing and things once a year or so. Switching to ro/di water will not clear it up all at once, but its gonna help :wink:
What kind of wet/dry do you have? I use the Amiracle Maxi-Reef, and my LFS told me all I had to do was replace the 100-micron filter pads and sponge filter once in a while, swap out the carbon bags on alternating months (I have 2), and vaccum the loose crap out of the bottom of the filter, but to never touch the bio balls. I think most w/d filters are that way. Mine hasn't been up as long as yours, but it works great (avg throughput 400-450 gph).

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