What are the growths on my catfish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 5, 2009
I have a catfish in my 20 gallon tank that has appeared to grow 2 white bumps. One is on his fin and the other is on his belly. They are very white and appear to have some fuss on them. This is my first catfish and not quite sure what it is. Bought him 3 weeks ago. I am attaching a picture... it's not the greatest but you can tell the white lump on his fin, and another one subtley on his stomach. (I do not believe it is ich) Appreciate your help.

About my tank: have an 1 oscar, 1 red parrot, 1 silverdollar, 1 goldfish, and this catfish. Levels appear to be fine except my PH is low (about 6)

(just realized I posted in the saltwater/reef category - my tank is freshwater)


  • catfishphoto.jpg
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I`m going to move this from the SW forums to the FW forums under FW sick fish.
Can you tell us what your water parameters are? How often do you change water and how much. If the spots appear fuzzy or cottony it may be bacterial. I don't want to recommend medication until I know if you have the numbers for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.
My 20 gallon aquarium is approx 3 months old. I spent the first 2 months cycling with about 10 goldfish. Some died but were replaced. Last month my numbers became steady - approx 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, and low ammonia. but ph was low (yellow) due to the amount of goldfish. removed all the goldfish but 1 and added 4 new fish (mentioned above). i knew the ammonia was getting higher from the goldfish b/c the silverdollar's tail started burning (getting orange on the tip). for the last 3 weeks i've changed the water once a week - approx 1/3 each time. still my ph is low (approx 6 = yellow). also the water has been getting murky recently. now i see those two raised spots (white lumps - one actually looks like it's a piece of guck attached to his fin. not sure how to evaluate if the other fish are getting sick. appreciate your help.
Even though the tank is three months old, it doesn't sound like it finished cycling. If it is cycled, with this bioload, you would have a high level of nitrates. You have too many fish in a 20 gallon tank, and when these fish grow to full size, if they aren't already, you're going to have to get a bigger tank or give some away. The high bioload is probably responsible for the low pH also. The murkiness may be a sign that the good bacteria is trying to catch up with your bioload. That's good, but if the ammonia is over .25 ppm, you need to do a water change. Changing 1/3 of the tank volume once a week probably isn't enough. You may need to test for ammonia and do a water change every day until the cycle is complete.

I haven't kept any of these fish, but that oscar is going to get very big, and also aggressive. The oscar will be happiest in his own 55 or 75 gallon tank. I wouldn't be surprised if the fish are all acting aggressively toward each other now. In a small tank, aggressions multiply as fish jostle for territory.

These aggressions can stress fish, and with the ammonia levels, can cause illness. I would recommend putting the catfish with the bumps into a quarantine tank. Then you can continue to do water changes and take care of the cycling in the main tank. A QT tank doesn't have to be anything major - it can be a Rubbermaid container with a sponge filter and heater. Then you can medicate in the QT tank without harming the growing bacteria in the main tank. Medicines, especially antibiotics, can kill off your good bacteria.

For medicine, I would recommend Jungle Fungus Eliminator. It's a yellow powder. It can treat both bacterial and fungal infections. I have used this med on my bettas with no problems and it always helped them. Some catfish can be sensitive to meds and since I've never kept catfish, I would wait and see what Zagz says about the meds.
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