What color are Kribensis eggs supposed to be?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 3, 2008
Hot, humid Florida.
My Kribensis pair had their first set of fry and she laid the eggs in the large coliseum in the tank so I didn't get to see what color the eggs were. I look in the tank today and there is the mother with her second set off eggs and they are orange in color. I have been in and out of the apartment a lot the last few days so I am not sure when she did this. Maybe they are about to hatch? I am not sure. Has anyone seen this before? The reason I asked is, I have seen other pictures of Krib eggs online and they seem to be a white-beige color.


Well, when my angel lays eggs the white ones are the ones that are NOT fertilized. I would think, unless these fish are really different, these eggs are fertilized and look normal to me. Pretty mama fish, btw :) It could also be possible that she moved the eggs to that spot. My angel fish do that with their eggs and wigglers all the time.
Those eggs are fertilized. I can tell that they are a day to a day and a half old from that picture. There is obvious space between the eggs, which was once occupied by other eggs. Those eggs weren't fertilized so they were eaten. This happens after 24 hours or so. I seriously doubt that the eggs were moved because kribensis are cave spawners and they generally spawn on the roofs/tops of the caves as can be seen from the picture. They will lay their eggs in a cave that they feel is secure and will guard the entrance to the cave. Angels on the other hand spawn in the open and are more likely to move them away from predators that may move into the area. If the eggs haven't hatched yet, they should within 18-24 hours or so.
Unfortunately Mommy ate the eggs but it looks as if they are back to work making new eggs(crosses fingers). Thanks everyone for the answers!

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