what fish should I get first?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 31, 2011
San Luis Obispo
So I am ready to start stocking my tank but I don't know what fish I should pit in first. My stocking list are
4 Pictus Cats
4 Yoyo Loaches
4 Silver Dollars
5 Tiger Barbs
5 Either bleeding heart tetras or rummynose
Tell me what you guys think amything is appreciated
Maybe you should get 5 Tiger Barb and 5 Rummynose Tetras just to get started then a month later get 5 or more fish because if you buy loads and the next day their all floating at the top its a waste of money
So I am ready to start stocking my tank but I don't know what fish I should pit in first. My stocking list are
4 Pictus Cats
4 Yoyo Loaches
4 Silver Dollars
5 Tiger Barbs
5 Either bleeding heart tetras or rummynose
Tell me what you guys think amything is appreciated

Hello minky...

I'd recommend getting some Zebra Danios, Platys or Guppies. These are very hardy fish and can survive mistakes in tank management that seem to be common among new tank keepers. Once you get the hang of things, you can move to some of the others on your list.

I'd add Corydoras (the little cats) to your list too.

Just a thought.

Alright well the tiger barbs are coming from my old tank, so ill add them and the rummynose then. Also another question how hardy are yoyo loaches?
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