What fish should I get

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 18, 2004
Massachusetts USA
At christmas I am getting a new 20 gallon, I want to move all of my old fish to the new tank. 3 Neons, 2 Zebra Danio's, 1 Cory, 1 Pleco.

I want to add some more 2 more Zebra's and 2 more Cory's. I think I might try and replace my Neons with Cardinals.

I want to add a fish that is maybe 3 inch, to kinda be king of the tank. What would be a good one that wouldnt pick or eat the other fish ( I would prefer not to replace the neons)

What would be a good fish for this?
3 Neons, 2 Zebra Danio's, 1 Cory, 1 Pleco.

Already got a pleco. Stays hidden in him cave till the lights go out or till I place a shrimp pellet in there (he carries them to his cave to eat)

The neons are my little brothers (Begged me to place them in >_<) But since christmas is coming up I figured he could buy a neo tank (they have everything built in)
I talked to him about it and he's fine with it.
About replacing fish, you may want to check with your lfs. Ours purchase fish back from us for 1/3 of the resale price. It may be a couple dollars but at least you know they are going to a good home (hopefully), and some stores will actually do a trade with fish of similar price.
You could find a lovely female betta. Male bettas get a bad rep--they (usually) only go after fish that look like themselves. More often than not, the male bettas are the ones picked on by community tank mates.
I agree with Menagerie about the betta... as long as you don't keep one with guppies :evil: also, I think that gouramis can be just as aggressive as bettas, right? Also, watch out for cardinal tetras, they are not as hardy as neons. I've had such terrible luck with them that I gave up on them. I got 2 different batches from 2 different stores and all the cardinals died. Took some neons with them as well. :( I lost 11 fish in 1 weekend and the tank was pretty established. I'm not saying it won't work, just be careful and look for tank raised cardinals if you can (they will be much harder to find than wild caught).
Well I guess I might try the male betta. At least I'll rescue one from a life living in a tiny bowl with not filtration T_T. Those poor guys.
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