What is HITH?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 6, 2005
Limestone TN
I was on a oscar website and it mentioned HITH, as a fatal disease to oscars. It didnt really give anymore info than that.
Hole in the head disease, look it up. Common if you are using feeders especially.
Hole In The Head, AKA Hexamita. It can affect a number of fish, including discus. It is easily avoided by keeping water conditions tip-top and by feeding your fish a nutritionally complete and quality diet.
I knew about the Hole In The Head, why I didnt put 2 and 2 together who knows.....Getting late I guess...lol
I'm not sure about the mortality between Oscars and Goldfish, but I am currently fighting HITH with my Ryunkin (in avatar). It's been about 2 weeks now. He's lost an eye, but it's now starting to heal over and appears to be over the peak of the disease. For me, it hasn't been a fatal disease and doesn't look like it will be in this case.
IME, it's only fatal if the water conditions aren't improved.
Going a little off tangent here... My male blue gourami had HITH when I got him, so I treated with Metronidazole and kept up daily PWCs for a long time. Thankfully there wasn't significant damage and it did not spread to the other two female gourami sharing his tank. The hole did heal, but not completely and he still has a little white spot on his head for the last two months that hasn't gone away. I've thought about using Melafix to aid in healing but I've heard that labyrinth fish don't react well to it. Is that true?
Hi bzbee!

I'm glad your gourami got better! I would be very cautious about using Melafix on a labyrinth fish. Although it is a wonderful treatment for other fish, the active ingredient seems to adversely affect the labyrinth organ. It's similar to us getting a noxious gas in our lungs. I have used Melafix on one of my bettas and he fell like a rock to the bottom of the tank. I immediately did a very large water change and he perked up. So, in my experience and opinion, I would not use Melafix on labyrinth fish. However, if you want to try it, be very watchful of any signs of stress in the gourami, do a water change every day before dosing for that day, and do another water change and run carbon at the end of treatment, if you treat in the main tank. Melafix doesn't harm the biological filter and it's not really necessary to use carbon to remove it, but with the gourami, I would make sure it's all gone. Good luck!
j_randall1702 said:
I was on a oscar website and it mentioned HITH, as a fatal disease to oscars. It didnt really give anymore info than that.

hole in the head, for some reason is more common in cichlids and is also related to lateral line disease. Any illness can be fatal if not properly attended to.
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