What is this? 3 fish dead!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 13, 2013
Burbank, CA
A couple of weeks ago I noticed my swordtail had a bacterial fungus. It had also spread to my candy play and another swordtail. Sadly i realized too late before i treated the tank and the first swordtail and the platy died. The last swordtail was fine until now and it looked like its upper lip was missing and I found it dead nearly 5 mins ago. I noticed this symptom on the other two. I dont know what it is. Please help before it spreads to other fish!
The pictures i looked up about columnaris showed a fungal growth on the fish. I did not see that on my fish. Just the upper lip was gone.
It can show just in the mouth area. I don't want to scare you but it moves fast so treatment is needed ASAP. As jlk said, drop the temp it helps slow the bacteria growth.
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