What kind of cichlid is this?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 14, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
Just adopted this little fishy he is about 2.5 inches, the woman who gave him to me said he was an african cichlid... I don't know anything about cichlids and was wondering is someone could tell me what this is and it's sex. Also, what's with those three gold spots on his anal fin - is that normal?


He looks like a Victorian cichlid. Looks like a female Xystichromis phytophagus perhaps. The males get quite colorful but the females remain yellow/gold. Xystichromis phytophagus

The gold spots are eggs spots. Most cichlids have some of them. Some more than others.
Thanks! One thing that doesn't really show up in this photo is the darker vertical banding on the sides - convict style. They're not terribly dark, but they're definitely there and very straight. Is that still within the realms of normal expression for xmas fulus?
I've been digging around and my best guess is Pundamilia nyererei... Python or perhaps Ruti island?
I have a fish like this, it's a Male SP44 Hap. "Red Tail". Look that up on google, you'll find a picture that kind of looks like yours.

They are very interesting cichlids with GREAT color, and like you said about the bars convict style, mine makes them come out when he is chasing other cichlids, showing off his color. It's amazing really.
Hmmm thanks... these can be pretty hard to tell apart when it comes to individual variations, huh?
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