What kind of corys?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 3, 2006
I have no bottom feeders in my tank except one otto. I thought I might add a few cory cats, but I dont know much about them. What I've picked up in this and different forums is that they have to be in groups and they go well with tetras and livebearers, which are the fish I have. I also have gold barbs but they are peaceful with the other fish so I think they will be ok.

I lost three fish when the heater failed, (temp dropped to 74 rapidly, but water chemistry is stable) so I have room for about five small corys, I think. What corys stay small? Also, are some corys easier to keep than others?
I too have a similar question about cories...

I have room for 4 small cories in my 20gal long, i have been doing some research into which ones stay 2" and certain behaviour and compatability thoughts.

I am keen on Panda cories, they are a smaller cory and i have read several review's and comments saying how much fun they are to have.
I get most of my info on cories and other fish here...

If you want some really small ones you might want to look at pygmy corys. They don't get bigger than about an inch and a quarter and are very active. Here is a link with more info on them.


Like most corys they prefer to have a number of hiding places throughout the tank.

You could also consider some bronze corys. They are some of the most easily cared for and widely available corys and max out at about three inches.

No matter which species you decide upon you should get five or six so that they will be more comfortable in their environment. Most corys are easy to care for in my experience. You should get them some sinking wafers and not just depend on food that the other fish don't get.

Depending on the size and population density of your tank you might want to also consider getting another oto or two. They do better when others of their species are present.
You could also consider some bronze corys. They are some of the most easily cared for and widely available corys and max out at about three inches.

I agree with gheitman: bronze or albino (same species) is a good choice to go for. Alternatively you might want to opt for peppered. In all of these cases a trio is the suggested minimum for social purposes.

How big is your tank?

If you opted for pandas or a smaller cory species like that, then you'd be ok with 4-5 depending on the size.
I have a couple of julii cories (not sure what their unofficial name is) in my 29-gal and I love them. They are cute, hardy, and peaceful. Since my rummynose's friends died, he tries to school with them, although he can't quite keep their pace.

They're also not shy. They can be sitting right next to the glass and won't move if I am right there on the other side watching.
My tank is a 29 gallon with a school of neons and another of black tetras, two female mollies and three platys. Thanks for the advice. I will see if the lfs has albinos or brown corys. I think I can fit maybe four of them, depending on how many more ottos I get.
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