What layed these?

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Any possibility of a better pic? Can't really see them. More than likely it would be the glofish, as they are just modified Zebra Danios. That being said, ZD's are well-known for their ease of breeding. Whereas Neon Tetras generally require peat filtration, etc. to breed.
attached a pic for reference, these are danio eggs, blurry, but you get the idea :)

Does it look like a little round wad of clear jelly with tiny white specs in it?
I can say 100% that they are not ramshorn eggs. There eggs will be in small clear bloches with about 10-25 eggs inside of that. The bloches will be about 1/8-1/2"wide. With the eggs about 1mm and growing fast untill they move out of the bloch sack(or what you may)
Danios makes more sense...hope they grow for ya!

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